Wednesday 14 November 2012


Ok I realized I didn't blog for a loooonngggggg time. Friendship problems coming up one after another. Anyway maybe I'm gonna delete this blog. 8D I got more blogs to handleeee. :D bye guys ! <3

Saturday 13 October 2012

Story #16

Well, back to blogging. It's been ages since I bloggeeddddd. Ok. So. I need to rant. But sorry, not here. Alot of people know link le. Nvm. Change. 08/10/12 . I love this date ok. <3 mm. And. These few days have been spending time with qiyi. ^^ like keep going out. Primary life gonna end le. Sad. Will miss all my awesome friends D: hais ~ must keep in touch la. So now. Practically everyday we play in class, for whole day. Will get bored of it. :/ nvm. Enjoy time. Will face the hard reality when it's 22 november. Now just play. :D nowadays, friendship problems come up one after another. Why can't we just clear them once and for all. Life. Why so complicated. K I shall blog till here. Looking forward to more fun times spent with awesome friends. Bye ^^

Tuesday 2 October 2012

Story #15

ok. need to update again. so ... last paper to go yea. and freedom is all mine. today is an awesome day ok. he is just so cute ~ two people go into the room each at a time and talk. seriously LOL. whose idea sia. sooo awkward. so me and him yea. ^^ today half happy half sad la. sighhh. guilty max. :< and kinda jealous. but i understand why okay. all because of awkwardness. is there such a word ? oknvm. hmm. so. just so fun today ^^ i seriously regretted taking hmt. one more day of torture. tsk. -.-
so now qiyi. oi. chill la hor. dont so angry okay ? it's over between your alr. dont need care anymore. so just, have fun. now is not the time to rant or vent or be sad or be angry k. its time to play. i know you will say its not worth it or what. but just a reminder la hor. okbye ~
to 'anonymous' :D
yea. i trusted you so much. and this is how you repay me ? ohokay. im speechless okay. really speechless. you promised us you wont say a single word out, and you did. dont promise next time if you ain't gonna mean it ok ? seriously ah. so pissed. -.-
today was supposed to go bowling. ended up slacking at sherwin's house. but its much better than bmt. no need perspire. 8D i threw things at him :D hehe. okay nothing else.
kthxbye ^^ loveyouall. :D

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Story #14

well. felt like blogging again.
hais. my emotions unstable now, awhile happy bcause of friends who made me laugh, awhile sad bcause of you. i think i made a mistake in loving you too much. rly a mistake. nt sure about your feelings towards me. but tbh, i dont really feel anything. well, maybe a little. so... today. somehow got into an argument again. you rank the same as my dog. know how important that position in my heart is ? cried so much for you. today, once more. when i saw your replies. you dont realise it, i guess, but i do feel the hurt kay. i dont wanna tell my feelings to you, i dont wanna get said that im asking for sympathy or whatsoever. so it's just between me and myself. i have been chanting "kevin is so cute." everyday, almost every moment in school, in class and when i see you. but. what do i get in return ? i get jealous, i get mad, i get hurt, it's all because i care. dont realise it ? seeing you constantlty getting close to girls, im dying inside. i told you once, twice, and didnt feel like repeating myself again. i"ve been constantly drawing your name in class, that sometimes i didnt pay attention. and all that chantings, my friends said im noisy. it was a joke, but then, i just dont wish to let you know all my feelings and emotions until today. i post on blog. whether you see it anot, i dk. but i hope you wont see it. it's my personal blog, so i have no other places to vent. but here. it may be a mistake that i gave you my blog link toooo. i got broken friendships with friends, because of you. yet did i blame you ? no. sacrificed so much. 2 more days to psle. yet im feeling so much for you. i got reallyreally upset whenever i quarrel with you. crying is weak. i get weak everytime. no one understands me i guess. most of the times i really look cheerful on the outside, but. who knows what im feeling deep inside ? yep, nobody. knowing that andrea is always there for you when you need help, knowing that both of you can get really close, be it form class or chinese class. yet i cant do anything. i wouldnt want to break friendships again, all i can do is to hide. i liked jason longer than you, yet i dont feel as much as how i feel for you. while jason is like much sweeter, everyday saying mushy stuffs. but i kept rejecting and rejecting. you ? i guess its the opposite. whatever la. i really die inside every single time i think about those times when i see you getting close to other girls. yep, im close to jiaqing. i admit that. he's register number is like 1 number after me. in class he sits infront of me. how do you expect me not to talk to him. but please, he got a crush. that he liked since p5. i always wanted to talk to you in school, but did not have the guts. seeing how close you and her were in sch, i only kept quiet. i just hope that you can really understand me.

Thursday 20 September 2012

Story #13

wa fk. i telling people things then you come eavesdrop. then go tell ' ' . how you expect me to trust you again sia. tsk. so pissed. nvm. eh people who have my blog link, im perhaps making this a dead blog, and gonna create a new one. and i wont give my link to anyone. so i can rant as much as i want if im really angry/sad/pissed/disappoimted, without anyone knowing. :D buhbye. and this update hor, ALL OF YOU DONT ASK ME WHO I REFERRING TO KAY. I WONT TELL. im telling here first ok. even if its glenda or anyoneee, dont expect a reply :) bye. 

Tuesday 18 September 2012

Story #12

venting ~
just replying to what you wrote ;
i treat everyone equally. maybe you dont think that way, but it's true. i dont love you so much ? well, thats your point of view. you chose to think that way. neh. dont you realise it yourself that you're closer to him in sch than i do ? seeing you so close to him, got think of my feelings ma ? you're the first one who i told and yet you're so close to him. k. thats natural reaction right. being so fking jealous. not only you, her also. she more la okay, cos same class. thats why when me and chelsea came down for recess, at stingray stall, he lean beside your, i kinda gave your attitude. you know that. put you forth. yea. i did asked you to write. you said something like wait or later. i told chelsea i dk how much you will write. so i dk how leave space for you. so she write first. and you put that middle finger, ever thought of how chelsea felt ?
oknvm. that one nvm. glendon house thing.
make me so angry. both of you asked me to go alone ? how would you feel if your were me ? dont want friend me ? if you choose to lose me, then i have nth to say la k. i rather go home than going alone k. who likes the feeling of being alone ? who ? i asked chelsea for opinion. all of us would rather go home. really la hor. your chose not to wait for me. and expect me to go meet your MYSELF.
whatever. i wont go.
should make myself happy. remember the time when wulaoshi came in and checked on us ? she saw my ..... and we laughed like dont know whatttttt. times when we shared bed and bathedd together :) i wont forget the memories we once made okay. wont forget you de. i can feel that you think im angry with you. justnow no, but now yes. i never blame it all on you. i repeat, you chose to think that i ditch you. your own perspective. how do you expect me not to get close to kaiting ? i sit beside her during hmt. in class she also come to my table. then normal sitting arrangement SHE SIT BESIDE ME for chi and eng lesson.
today is a bad day k. you're my (E) ? semo lai de. what's (E) ? ._. k im stupid i knw. im writing here, so that you can see and know how i feel for these past few days. esp today. the days when i see you and him being so close. when im not close to him in school. it may be awkward for me and him to talk, but really cant stand it. my closeeeeeee friend somemore. so i wont have any hatred or wut on you. she closer to him la, ik.

Saturday 15 September 2012

Story #11

so blogger is a place where we can vent all our emotions and feelings ? okay. aiya nothing much. psle in 13days time. and i still have time to blog. we still must live with reality ma. if results were meant to be 220, let it be lo. but i will still work hard la k. im getting more guai alr. :p but still no motivation to study. mr goh says everysecond is important. i guess im taking psle as a class test or wut. national exam leh. vion ah, wake up. dont keep having this mindset that you will score well. the truth is not what you expect. like what darrell said, life isnt what you really think. life isnt always smoooooooth. do not give up on yourself. perservere till the end until you die. this is what darrell told meeee. thanks yo. just some encouragement words la.
WALAO I MISS CHURCH. :<< today they got cafe duty. i wan doooooooo sia. hais. missed the chance. nvm. i wait k. i seriously hope my parents were christians lo. haisss. joline said everyone miss me :D haha, honoured la okay. i miss them tooooo. :c just want psle to freaking end fast and no more supp, i can play, i can go out, i can do everything i wan. can go churchhhhhhhh. <3 everyday listening to church songs. :/
life is really boring nowadays. fb so dead. twitter getting dead. he no online. idw this kind of lifee la. he used to be online everydayy. now at this time, 11.09pm, very exact k, i on fb just to see a reply. in the end dont have. so went to blog. nvm ba. thats the hard truth. bearrrrrrr.
now so far no problems le ba. life is kinda smoooth now. no friendship problems, nth. yay. felice posted " like this status if you dislike those people who keep posting status about you, say you gain attention all these. " SOMETHINGLIKETHAT. nt sure. aiya. bitch please. this is another way of gaining likes lo. wa. rly cant stand your character sia. i see your photo with sini. wan puke sia. sini so natural. then you smile until like dunno what. angeline wan show cleavage at least damn chio right. still selected to be model sia. you ley, like to show cleavage so much, then with this kind of face. i never say you ugly k. dont slut la. boobs very big meh. want show cleavage wait until yr boobs big then show k. now you show nobody want see ah. have, go geylang. i like to rant, like to judge, like to post status, problem ? you need chup ma. people indirect you you not happy. you indirect poeple then can sibo. like you never rant, judge and post status before. i got most things rant about you k. slut, bitch. you everything also can be la. negative ones. yr shorts tight and short like what. yr thigh very nice ? look into the mirror then say. whatever.
life and love is gettting too complicated. yea. life. studies. exams and tests more and more, harder and harder. now little bit also minus marks. results. sucha failure la me. nvm. failure is part and parcel of life. love ley. complicated about feelings, but im not la. awhile like, awhile dont like (qiyi). whats this world all about. now lisa and joline having argument. dunno when all this shit will end. friendships, left out. everyone will go through. me, once. then pubertyyyy. irritating k. i hate this stage. other then physical de. i eat and eat and eat. idw gain weight sia. envy jiaqing alot. thin like bamboooo even though he eats alottt. but too thin alr :c kevin terence alsooooooooo. i jealous ): then feelings. jealousy. hatred. anger. jelaousy kills the most. that feeling when your crush talk to other girls. nobody likes that feeling. sucks man. stress. all we get is nagnagnag. studystudystudy. whole day study. sadlife. never study tio nagged. make me feel guilty.
i hate this kind of life. im jealous of pretty girls, people with alot of freedom. i want that kind of life. i wantttttttt. D:

Wednesday 12 September 2012

Story #10

ohwell. die le. me sherwin joline and lisa were slacking under joline's blockk. around 5.30 liddat, aunguun or whatever you spell it, saw us. we faster runnnnnnnnn. :D she saw us run alsoo. all of us so scared that she will complain lo. haisss. :/ luckily qiyi joey isaac and jasper left early. ._. aiya. if we really tio, miss foo will blame it all on me. cfm one. cos nowadays she see me and lisa hang out, plus lisa seldom get scolded by them, so now if aunguun complain then i prepare gg le. the teachers gave us sooo many chances, esp me. about my tie, about chelsea. somemore joline and lisa chairman. luckily i no position le. just a lousy rep. so who cares la. now psle le. what they want do. they cfm must think whether they will affect our mood ma. so dont need worry. joline scared like dunno what. then joline and lisa say got chance kenna suspension. :o got so serious ma ? aiya whatever la. caught jiu caught. can see miss foo de face. count her moles. hear her voice. :D think positive. but also nt sure whether aunguun will complain anot. just prepare for the worse la k. sherwin say he will take up the responsibility. ._. we wont let him take de la, all take together. (: one for all, all for one. no betraying. :D
about results ;
report book. aiya same la. 2nd last in class. improved  15 marks yo. yay. there are two 41th position, thats why no 42. so im counted the last ~ but. im used to lousy results alr la. so nvm lor. live with reality. bear with it. lisa told me im 6N1 standard. i knew it. so im not even sad or what. 6L is still better. 6N1 supp like dunno what. torturing k. prefer to be in 6L. more close friends like joline chelsea. :D psle still determines everything. i just need to have that freaking motivation to study. and i can score well. thats all. baiiii.

Monday 10 September 2012

Story #9

hm. today is a good cum bad day. good thing is that, me and chelsea patched ! damnnn happppy. have been awaiting this dayyy. quarrelled with her for about 1 month sia. so longgg.i dunn o who took the initiative, but i just know we patched. 8D happy enough. hm. so talked alot today ? haha. that kaitinggg. rly want slap her. she say whoever hang out with me results will drop. kt, i will win you okay. you wait k you wait. tolerated enough of yr acting cute ok. even chelsea dont like you alr. what more do you want sia. pester people very fun ? seriously. changed my impression of you. so all these days you have been asking about my results, just to loook down on me ? okcan. this kind of attitude dont exist in my friends list.really uh, you win me, so ? you still keep encouraging me. want act also act better luh. luckily i only told you my results for chinese for prelims. if not i would have been made a laughing stock okay. you changeedd, alot. became much more demanding and bossy and irritating.
so. after sch. went to playground with lisa to slack. but we accompanied chelsea walk home. never reach her house. but walked 2/3 with her. so me and lisa met this boy at the playground. keep guailan us. tskk. look so short and small, stilll there act big. vulgar here and there. know vulgar nia, think you very big ah. i can scold more than you if i want k. good thing is i owned you many times then you diamdiam. haha. today i dunno what happened to me. pissed off until i scold that boy in one go. lisa see alr say i got swag. hehe. :D that boy, really hor, shame on him. i bullied him yay. took his bullet from the toy gun. refused to return. haha. then he ask me return. i owned him again. until there's this boyyy who came. and lisa say he very shuai. just nice the toy gun belongs to that shuai boy. so i just return lo.
awesome day ok. bad and good day too. my happy happy mood is ruined by that fking boy. really damm pissed off. i rant alot on twitter. haha.
about womendengni. last episode today. sad and happy ending. sad is that yilin dieddd. ahhh. i miss yo so much. and the ending junliang no come out. miss his damn shuai facee. happy is that zhixiang and his parents reconciled. :D maomao got this dog called xiaomaomao. DAMN CUTEE LOL. i wan hug. who can buy for meee ? ok. shall blog till here ~ cyaaa ~ .

Thursday 6 September 2012

Story #8

I've no chance to rant on Facebook le. Bopian have to rant heree. Bear with me ok. (: talking about that felice again la. Really piss me off. Cannot tahan her attitude. Want zilian, also nt chio. Want brag, also nothing to brag. What u want. Why you like attention THAT much. I rly want know k. Everyone are attention seekers. Including me. I know dat. But you hor, is rly to the extent k. Tskk. I endure you quite long le, no choice have to rant on fb. So don't blame me. -.- still use teachers as back up. Got back bone anot ? Friendship problems ownself settle, need get teachers involve ? Not necessary hor. People's boyfriend you also want flirt. Also want attention from him. Please la, you dont even know him. Still act like so close to him. -.- you want boys go geylang la. Any red light districts also can. I tell you, all old man there want you ah. Go la. I clap hand for you if you become prostitute. Talk about your zilian. People zilian also nicer than you ok. I know ugly people don't exist. I nt saying you ugly. But seriously, I never seen someone zilian like you. You hold your phone highhigh angle, then take photo of yr leg also. Yr legs very nice ? If it is, you long long ago become model alr la k. Put effects also put nice one la. Put those dark dark one, cover yr face. Why ? Don't dare show ah ? Too many pimples le issit ? Huh ? #tbh, I rly want bitchslap you. I'm enduring k. I know I'm judging now. Like you said, I judged you. But in the first place, I didn't say my status was referring to you. I post status, your taiji ah ? Need come chup ? You dare you comment there la. Still need pm meh. Scared bobin sibo. People never write "FELICE ONG LEE TING" there right. Then ? You guilty ? You ownself want assume still come say me. No rights la bitch. Then your bangs. Very nice meh. Don't suit you la k. I see the way you smile, I puke la hor. Yr bangs cover your eyes alr still dw go cut. You want step sibo. Want step ahlian skirt still so long. Tsk. You make my blood boil. Hais. No hope la. You go secondary school cfm fail one. Fail in character. Attitude. Not studies. You count, hw many people don't like you. Count la. You go complain all you want la. Naive bitch. I say not referring to you then you believe. Haah. Loser ~ you. Yes you. Loser. I rly wasting my time here. To talk about you. To type your name. -.- zaijian. I've no time to spare for bitches. #BitchesRuinMood, truedat.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Story #7

K. Backkkkk ~ one long day outside. Tired max. After school, went badminton with Lisa, Joline, Joey, Jasper, Sherwin, Glendon, Jonathan and Jay. Jay lim. Not jay ganesh. Knvm. Glendon left early cos he got tuition. So nvm la. The ones who played very long with us are Joline, Joey, Lisa, Sherwin and Jonathan. 8D awesome peepo. Damn fun siaa. Ohya, and joanne too. She dunno hw play but still want play. Nbm. She's only p2. Cannot expect much. But she's considered quite average for a p2 student. Good job Joanne. :D I sweat like mad just now ~ We bought 2 bigbig bottles of ice mountain and 1 big bottle of 100plus. And 1 chrysanthemum tea. Finished all. So thirsty. And that jolineeee. Power la k. She used badminton racket accidentally hit my hand. Quite hard somemore. Then got one red line. :c make my whole hand ache. That's called the power of Joline superwoman. :D hahaha. Hmm. Nothing much alr. And, I taught Joline and Lisa how to wave board. I'mma pro. Hehe. They learnt abit le. Joline fell twice. So cute sia. She fall down still can laugh like dunno what. And Jonathan and Joline play until the hand black like shit. K I'm not being racist. Rackets not enough. So some of us have to take turns lo. When we going home that time, Joline father came. He joined us. Play play play. Until got very strong wind then we decided to go home. Reached home at 7. Waa. Got nagged. -.- but nvm. At least I enjoyed my dayy. (: awesome day instead. Looking forward to more of such days. Can bond friendship also. Haha.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Story #6

Got back my maths today. Fucking lousy la k. Who also cannot believe I got that low la. Fuckmylife. I thought I will do well. In the end get this kind of results. Maths paper 1 : 26/40. Even though I passed, I was aiming for 65 and above. NOW HOW TO GET. Vion, why you no study hard. Reallyreallyreally regretted k. My science no hope le. Nothing can pull me up anymore. Prelims. I scored damn badly. Eng, dropped. Chinese, dropped. Maths, improved but won't score well. Science, rly no hope. God please bless me with my paper 2 tmr. I can only count on you now. <3 bless me with method marks. Bless me with good impression from mrgoh again. I cried. :c second time. Cos of my shit marks. Terence 37. Andrea 32. From 6N1. I'm from L. Now ? My MCQ got 19. No full marks but I thought I can er 30 and above. In the end booklet B come out. Got 7/20. Fail until liddat. Pathetic bitch la me. Sadlife. I surely last in class la. Seriously. Chelsea improved so much y'know. I no have motivation to study. Then howwwww. If I donthave the willingness to study then force also no use what. Facebook and twitter, why you so addictive. See la, now my results liddat you happy ma ? K sorry for blaming you.

To himm ;
Sorrrry k. You dropped a lot la k. My mouth bigbig whn I heard yr marks. But nvm la. Don't be discouraged. <3 you will do well for PSLE one kay. Jiayou. :D have faith. She is sooo worried about you y'know. Be honored. (: I think I caused yr results to be liddat sia. :( shouldn't talk to you so much anymore. Really I won't even though I wantttttt. I would rather see you smileee when yr results improve. Just goodluck la. Study hard. Im supporting you atw. :D

I talked to jason today. Haha. I guess friends le ba. Like last time. Quite happy la. Cos friends :D I treasure him alot as my friend k. Jason don't hate me. :c I know you won't la ^^ k that's all. Byeee ~

So. Overall. Today is a bad + good day. Lil' bit of good onlyyy. Looking forward to tmr morningg. Hope can stalk Kevin again. Hahahahaaaa. xp

Monday 3 September 2012

Story #5

To unknown ;
Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou. Cannot stand it when you flirt. You dw reply me, you busy or you want ignore me cos of jq that thing ? :( sad siaaaa. Heart split into two liao. Hais. I feel like I'm snatching :/ I don't wanna be a slut kayyyyyyy. Why my life liddat. Why god want to make me feel like a slutt who snatch. I really don't feel good k. My best daughter somemore. Sorry. :( no choice. Feelings. Yeah. Why you so kewtttt. Make me fall in love after I gave up on Collin. I feel like a playgirl lehhhhh. God, sorry but im having a lil' doubt in you. Why you dw reply meeeeee. Say you mad ? No you're not kayyyyy. Forever cute boy. <3 sorry la :( don't mean to talk to them onee. Why you ignore me. Whyyyyyy. I've been waiting for yr message since 7:01. Now 10:12 still haven't reply. Whatyoudoing. :c k I don't wanna complain alr. It's a sin. :/ but really, you busy or wutttt. Sighhhhhh ~ I'm too despo la. Shitz.

K. Got back some of my results today. DAMN LOUSY K. Today bad day or what. All bad things happening. English booklet B : I got 36.5/65. JUST PASS LEH. Chelsea got 45.5. Renee got 49.5. WHATISTHIS. Whysounfair. Whyyoursopro. I scared I last in class sia. Got feeling my science will get 50+ only. My Chinese also drop alr. My maths also not so good. How sia. And that fucking mrgoh. So insulting k. He said "I can see you in the grey uniform next year." Walao. Eat shit la. Like I really 注定 to go thr. At first say huaiyi, now say Jurong. What you want SIA. These schools very lousy meh. Only neighbourhood schools. You where bushuang. How you be teacher one. Asshole. Not fit la k. You and your dirty mouth. Still say those schools are sickening. You are the one that is sickening ok. hbdnbddjns damn angry you. I pass very good alr right. Need shout uh huh. Your teaching also not good, what do you expect from our results ? Top scholar in Singapore ah ? Teachers don't despise la. You, go fairfieldmethodist then need so proud ma. You be teacher need so proud ma. Want to bitchslap you sia seriously.

Oops. I misunderstood him xD hehehe. he cannot use com :c Nvm la.

Friday 31 August 2012

Story #4

Haha. Too bored le. So keep updating. K. I apologized to jason. I took the first moveeee. Even thought I cared about my face alotalot. Because he's the one who endured me from February till now. Soyeah, I want him as my friend back. -awaiting news now- . hope he will forgive ba. Wish me luckkkk. I'll update later.

K. He replied. He said "I never say my status referring to you ! I never say I'm not friends with you ! Don't ask me who I'm referring to ! I won't reply that question !" Every sentence also put exclamation mark. Sot ah. You not happy tell me la. I risked so much, just to apologise. You know me well, you know I always want 面子 when I quarrel with friends. Now I throw away my face, and this is what I get. Okcan. Don't appreciate tell me la. You think one "sorry" very easy to say issit. Take me a lot of courage leh. Aiya I give up la. I also dw you as my friend alr. :c dont appreciate then don't lor. Don't regret can liao. Bye. You're out of my life. Go flirt somemore la. I don't care le. So many people asking me not to care about you, but I still did. So ? This is how you repay me ? If it is, then forget it k. Don't know how appreciate. Tsk.

I replied "k. I risked so much, my face, and this is what I get. K." Hais. Sad life la me. See what he's gonna reply. Cfm one "k" only. He say not referring to me. Who will believe sia. He trusted me the most, always tell me things, now he ask me don't ask him referring to who, cfm guilty la. Be smarter la jason. Use brains. You still no balls admit. So disappointed in you.

Story #3

That jason. He sucks la. Who's the one that changed ? I guess it's you ok. You said I changed 180 degrees ? Uhhuh, then ? You think I give a goddamn about what you say ? "Be who you wanna be, not what others choose to see." understand ? Or you pajiao ? Open your eyes bigbig la. I won't freaking change just for you k. Get it right. You liddat say about me, you think I see alr, then will change ? In your dreams la hor. Slowly wait. You said im rude to you. Yeah, know what's freedom of speech ? If dunno then go get some education. I will not be angry over such a person like you. Not worth it AT ALL ok. It's only you who think that I've changed. Come on, who else think that way ? You tell me. Your perspective only, true meh. I don't think I changed lor seriously. I don't want to see you in church la. Fuckoff k bitch. Farfar away from me. So flirt one. See which girl also want flirt. You only despise those ugly ones. Ugly people don't exist k. Getalife. Everytime say you shuai, you really shuai meh. I want vomit k. You say Kevin's attitude is like fuck. Priest, who's the one ? It's you. Kevin is much better. His attitude. You don't even show your love to god in church. You do nothing there. Want face issit ? Want face more than god issit ? -.- then don't bother coming la. Don't come for the sake of coming. NOBODY welcomes you. You said yr mum want you be Christian. Hello, it's your own choice. If it is because your mum asked you to be, but you dw, then don't. Again, we don't welcome you. You don't show any signs of willingness. You don't show any love to god. He's always thr for you y'know. Just remember. I won't fucking change just for you. -'- my sexy finger for you. Then you tell people I rude. Go tell la. Want post about me on Facebook, then don't dare admit. Got balls anot ? You boy or girl uh ? 敢做不敢当. You still considered 男子汉 anot ? Huh ? I dw waste my energy talking bout you la. No point k. Seriously no point. Waste my time only. Getlost.

Thursday 30 August 2012

Story #2

K. So, went to visit qiyi just now with Joline and serene. Took about 30-40 mins to reach there. She looked so energetic. Don't look like patient lo seriously. She laughs very easily, but now her stomach pain, cannot laugh le. :( sad. We talked and joked there. "big grape." LOL. Went from 10-12. 2 hours. She received so many wishings. Yeah, getwellsoon la. Glenda miss her alot. Infact, many ppl la. Joe too. Haha. Today he whole celebration like no emotion liddat. Joe ah, miss qiyi issit ? Admit la hor. She will be jumping for joy. So qiyi miss joe more than me. :c after that, went to eat subway with Joline and serene. Just now hungry max max. Otw back to lakeside, saw many ex-rulangnites. Haha. Alex Jiang became sooooo tall. How he grow one sia. Envyenvy. Joline went to buy her charmee. Happy until dunno like what. Aiya. Now going slack with Lisa. Baiiiii. <3

Story #1

hey. i pangsey my diary come to you sia. be honoured ok. haha. klame. now i lazy write in my diary le, so i will come to you for my troubles and entertainment. :D

ok. qiyi, that cute girl, got hospitalised. dunno what appitinis. need do surgery. poorthing. haiyo, see la. jump somemore. anyway, alotalot people miss her. qiyi, come back to school soon yo. you missed your chinese and science paper. getwellsoon. <3 school isnt so lively without her.

To qiyi ;
hey girlfriend. wish you a speedy recovery. school isn't that funn. what happen to you sia. suddenly hospitalised. :/ 10 days mc. waaaa. how to survive. i believe joe will miss you too. hehe. you everyday think about himm, me leh ? :( hahah jk la. i knw you also miss me alot. :p you will miss alot in class. must catch up ok. prelims so important ley. then you sick. got pray ma ? remember god is always thr for you. :) surgery pain ma ? i feel the pain too. :p glenda said class isn't fun without you. yeah. i agree. you so chatty one, then you no come sch, become so quiet. miss you leh. but some freaks are happy that you no come school. :< hmm, morning i go school early no one pei wo le. :c take care of yourself hor. cos psle you cannot sick. *touchwood* la k. i shall end here. baiii. come back to school asap yeah.

this hyper girl. <3

her poor hand. :c

brocolli head haha.

Wa. now andrea sick. why now so many people sick sia. hais. why your no take care. :/ luckily andrea is after prelims then sick one. 

To andrea ;
yo babe. you called me that first, now my turn call you back. :D haiyo. why you fever. drink more water la. today you still so hyper de. now tell me you sick. what happeneddddd. you too, pray also kay ? getwellsoon too. tmr teacher's day celebration, must come hor. sad la, qiyi cannot make it to sch tmr i guess. take careeeee. later kevin heartpain. hahaha. k im cute and i knw it. bhb. :D hope to see you tmr ! you dont come you die.