Monday 3 September 2012

Story #5

To unknown ;
Iloveyouiloveyouiloveyouiloveyou. Cannot stand it when you flirt. You dw reply me, you busy or you want ignore me cos of jq that thing ? :( sad siaaaa. Heart split into two liao. Hais. I feel like I'm snatching :/ I don't wanna be a slut kayyyyyyy. Why my life liddat. Why god want to make me feel like a slutt who snatch. I really don't feel good k. My best daughter somemore. Sorry. :( no choice. Feelings. Yeah. Why you so kewtttt. Make me fall in love after I gave up on Collin. I feel like a playgirl lehhhhh. God, sorry but im having a lil' doubt in you. Why you dw reply meeeeee. Say you mad ? No you're not kayyyyy. Forever cute boy. <3 sorry la :( don't mean to talk to them onee. Why you ignore me. Whyyyyyy. I've been waiting for yr message since 7:01. Now 10:12 still haven't reply. Whatyoudoing. :c k I don't wanna complain alr. It's a sin. :/ but really, you busy or wutttt. Sighhhhhh ~ I'm too despo la. Shitz.

K. Got back some of my results today. DAMN LOUSY K. Today bad day or what. All bad things happening. English booklet B : I got 36.5/65. JUST PASS LEH. Chelsea got 45.5. Renee got 49.5. WHATISTHIS. Whysounfair. Whyyoursopro. I scared I last in class sia. Got feeling my science will get 50+ only. My Chinese also drop alr. My maths also not so good. How sia. And that fucking mrgoh. So insulting k. He said "I can see you in the grey uniform next year." Walao. Eat shit la. Like I really 注定 to go thr. At first say huaiyi, now say Jurong. What you want SIA. These schools very lousy meh. Only neighbourhood schools. You where bushuang. How you be teacher one. Asshole. Not fit la k. You and your dirty mouth. Still say those schools are sickening. You are the one that is sickening ok. hbdnbddjns damn angry you. I pass very good alr right. Need shout uh huh. Your teaching also not good, what do you expect from our results ? Top scholar in Singapore ah ? Teachers don't despise la. You, go fairfieldmethodist then need so proud ma. You be teacher need so proud ma. Want to bitchslap you sia seriously.

Oops. I misunderstood him xD hehehe. he cannot use com :c Nvm la.

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