Wednesday 5 September 2012

Story #7

K. Backkkkk ~ one long day outside. Tired max. After school, went badminton with Lisa, Joline, Joey, Jasper, Sherwin, Glendon, Jonathan and Jay. Jay lim. Not jay ganesh. Knvm. Glendon left early cos he got tuition. So nvm la. The ones who played very long with us are Joline, Joey, Lisa, Sherwin and Jonathan. 8D awesome peepo. Damn fun siaa. Ohya, and joanne too. She dunno hw play but still want play. Nbm. She's only p2. Cannot expect much. But she's considered quite average for a p2 student. Good job Joanne. :D I sweat like mad just now ~ We bought 2 bigbig bottles of ice mountain and 1 big bottle of 100plus. And 1 chrysanthemum tea. Finished all. So thirsty. And that jolineeee. Power la k. She used badminton racket accidentally hit my hand. Quite hard somemore. Then got one red line. :c make my whole hand ache. That's called the power of Joline superwoman. :D hahaha. Hmm. Nothing much alr. And, I taught Joline and Lisa how to wave board. I'mma pro. Hehe. They learnt abit le. Joline fell twice. So cute sia. She fall down still can laugh like dunno what. And Jonathan and Joline play until the hand black like shit. K I'm not being racist. Rackets not enough. So some of us have to take turns lo. When we going home that time, Joline father came. He joined us. Play play play. Until got very strong wind then we decided to go home. Reached home at 7. Waa. Got nagged. -.- but nvm. At least I enjoyed my dayy. (: awesome day instead. Looking forward to more of such days. Can bond friendship also. Haha.

1 comment:

  1. BOJIO. TT. Oh yeah. I'm a fking patient. Next time maybe? c:
