Monday 10 September 2012

Story #9

hm. today is a good cum bad day. good thing is that, me and chelsea patched ! damnnn happppy. have been awaiting this dayyy. quarrelled with her for about 1 month sia. so longgg.i dunn o who took the initiative, but i just know we patched. 8D happy enough. hm. so talked alot today ? haha. that kaitinggg. rly want slap her. she say whoever hang out with me results will drop. kt, i will win you okay. you wait k you wait. tolerated enough of yr acting cute ok. even chelsea dont like you alr. what more do you want sia. pester people very fun ? seriously. changed my impression of you. so all these days you have been asking about my results, just to loook down on me ? okcan. this kind of attitude dont exist in my friends list.really uh, you win me, so ? you still keep encouraging me. want act also act better luh. luckily i only told you my results for chinese for prelims. if not i would have been made a laughing stock okay. you changeedd, alot. became much more demanding and bossy and irritating.
so. after sch. went to playground with lisa to slack. but we accompanied chelsea walk home. never reach her house. but walked 2/3 with her. so me and lisa met this boy at the playground. keep guailan us. tskk. look so short and small, stilll there act big. vulgar here and there. know vulgar nia, think you very big ah. i can scold more than you if i want k. good thing is i owned you many times then you diamdiam. haha. today i dunno what happened to me. pissed off until i scold that boy in one go. lisa see alr say i got swag. hehe. :D that boy, really hor, shame on him. i bullied him yay. took his bullet from the toy gun. refused to return. haha. then he ask me return. i owned him again. until there's this boyyy who came. and lisa say he very shuai. just nice the toy gun belongs to that shuai boy. so i just return lo.
awesome day ok. bad and good day too. my happy happy mood is ruined by that fking boy. really damm pissed off. i rant alot on twitter. haha.
about womendengni. last episode today. sad and happy ending. sad is that yilin dieddd. ahhh. i miss yo so much. and the ending junliang no come out. miss his damn shuai facee. happy is that zhixiang and his parents reconciled. :D maomao got this dog called xiaomaomao. DAMN CUTEE LOL. i wan hug. who can buy for meee ? ok. shall blog till here ~ cyaaa ~ .

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